Tuesday, April 23, 2019


OBJECTIVE: Students will describe and explain what is a mineral, how they are formed, and they lead to rock formation.

W.O.D. Slander-a false statement to damage the reputation of another

Define the following terms: mineral, mining, rock, magma, lava, polymorph.

Home work
Page 397 #1-4

Classwork-in notebooks
1. In order for something to be called a mineral, it must have 5 specific criteria. Name these 5 criteria and give a brief description of what each criterion means.
2. Minerals can be formed in 4 different ways. Name these ways and explain each process, showing how each process produces minerals.
3. There are 8 elements that make up 99% of the minerals in the earth’s crust. Name these elements (fig 3, page 394)
4. Minerals are classified according to the elements they possess. State the elements found in each of the following types of minerals: Silicates, Carbonates, Oxides, Sulfides/sulfates, Halides, and Native elements

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